A Responsibility to Love

Elder Dallin H. Oaks calls upon all Latter-day Saints to better love, help and encourage members who are LGBTQ and their families. Church members have a doctrinal responsibility to show love and extend help and understanding to this community which is in special need. From the October 1995 Ensign.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks
"The Church and its members continue to experience misunderstandings about our positions on [same-sex attraction] ... during a television interview on this subject, I was questioned about reports that the Church taught or implied 'that these people are somehow pariahs … and these people hate themselves and that this is an attitude brought forth by the Church.' ... More significantly, we also receive such questions from faithful members. A recent letter is illustrative:

'Another concern we have is the way in which our sons and daughters are classified as people who practice deviant and lascivious behavior. Perhaps some do, but most do not. These young men and women want only to survive, have a spiritual life, and stay close to their families and the Church. It is especially damaging when these negative references are spoken from the pulpit. We believe such talks only create more depression and a tremendous amount of guilt, shame, and lack of self-worth, which they have endured throughout their entire lives. There is sometimes a real lack of the pure love of Christ expressed to help them through their ordeals. We will all appreciate anything you can do to help with the plight of these much misunderstood children of our Father in Heaven. If some of the General Authorities could express more sensitivity to this problem, it would surely help to avoid suicides and schisms that are caused within families. Many simply cannot tolerate the fact that Church members judge them as ‘evil people,’ and they, therefore, find solace in gay-oriented lifestyles.'

These communications surely show the need for improvement in our communications with brothers and sisters who are struggling ... Each member of Christ’s church has a clear-cut doctrinal responsibility to show forth love and to extend help and understanding. Sinners, as well as those who are struggling to resist inappropriate feelings, are not people to be cast out but people to be loved and helped ... Church leaders are sometimes asked whether there is any place in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for persons with homosexual or lesbian susceptibilities or feelings. Of course there is. The degree of difficulty and the pattern necessary to forgo behavior and to control thoughts will be different with different individuals, but the message of hope and the hand of fellowship offered by the Church is the same for all who strive.

... All should understand that persons (and their family members) struggling with the burden of same-sex attraction are in special need of the love and encouragement that is a clear responsibility of Church members, who have signified by covenant their willingness 'to bear one another’s burdens' 'and so fulfill the law of Christ.'"

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#LDSStayWithUs represents two messages: One from LGBT individuals who need family, friends, and ward members to love, include, respect, and stay with them. The other is to individuals that identify as LGBT, inviting them to stay and work with others to become a valued and welcomed part of the Church and their individual wards.