Looketh on the Heart

Many members of the Church are unaware of the people around them, even in their own family or ward, who are gay or transgender. It is important to discard stereotypes and develop compassion, even if you do not think you know someone who is gay. From the September, 2004 Liahona article Compassion for Those Who Struggle.

Compassion for Those Who Struggle
"It is not often that Saints with same-sex attraction make their challenge known to others ... Ours is often a hidden conflict for fear of being seen as 'deviants' who have chosen these attractions. For most Latter-day Saints who struggle with this challenge, nothing could be further from the truth ... This is a fight that can forge a profound closeness with Heavenly Father and the Savior because victory hinges on our ability to rely on Them completely.

 ... I am blessed to associate with people who view me by my true character, not by superficial stereotypes. In doing so they follow the Savior’s example: 'The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart'

Regardless of the nature of our temptations, everyone must rely upon the Savior’s Atonement to build the bridge that takes us back to our Father in Heaven. No one can do it alone." 

#LDSStayWithUs represents two messages: One from LGBT individuals who need family, friends, and ward members to love, include, respect, and stay with them. The other is to individuals that identify as LGBT, inviting them to stay and work with others to become a valued and welcomed part of the Church and their individual wards.