How We Choose to Respond

As Latter-day Saints we often focus on how those attracted to the same-sex choose to respond to their feelings — but we should be more concerned with how we choose to respond to them. From, an official Church resource.
"Jesus Christ commanded us to love our neighbors. Whether sinner or saint, rich or poor, stranger or friend, everyone in God’s world is our neighbor, including our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. Latter-day Saints believe that our true commitment to Christian teachings is revealed by how we respond to this commandment ... We may know individuals with same-sex attraction in our workplaces, congregations and town halls. As people with hopes, fears and aspirations like everyone else, these neighbors deserve our love. But we cannot truly love the neighbors next door if we do not love the neighbors under our own roof. Family members with same-sex attraction need our love and understanding. God loves all his children alike, much more than any of us can comprehend, and expects us to follow."

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#LDSStayWithUs represents two messages: One from LGBT individuals who need family, friends, and ward members to love, include, respect, and stay with them. The other is to individuals that identify as LGBT, inviting them to stay and work with others to become a valued and welcomed part of the Church and their individual wards.